Changing the future, together.
EEC is an active member of the Young Person’s Guarantee & Task Force.
We made a commitment to improve the wellbeing, transitioning into adulthood and volunteering opportunities a top priority for the youth in Greater Manchester, regardless of their ethnicity, disabilities or social background.
Becoming Youth
Becoming Youth is an inclusive youth project offering after school, evening, weekend and holiday sessions for 8- 18 years olds (up to 25 years for young people with disabilities).
The programme of inclusive, equitable and gender sensitive activities will include:
- A weekly after school homework club for 8-18 year olds.
- A family forum on the first Saturday of each month for children with disabilities and their families
- One-to-one issue-specific support for young people and parents.
- Half term holiday activities for ages 8-16 and 25 years for youth with additional needs.
- Developing accessible, youth-friendly, culturally appropriate information and materials with young people, using both traditional and inclusive technology mediums (such as internet, social media, art and craft etc).
These activities incorporate a number of approaches, such as mentoring, tutoring and sport, as well as supporting youth leadership and community engagement. The project covers a range of thematic areas including financial education, wellbeing, identity and belonging, health and wellbeing, art, culture and heritage, safe relationships, environmental sustainability, global citizenship, creativity and fun!

BECOMING YOUTH aims to explore young people’s experiences of positive identity, good health & wellbeing, academic attainment as well as career pathway.
We are aiming to reduce inequalities which places the voices and experiences of traditionally marginalised young people at its core.
We challenge injustice, discrimination and hate crime. EEC ensures that children and young people who has experienced or experiencing domestic violence are supported and signposted to the right agencies.
Our NHS.

The NHS Young People’s Health Challenge has been co-designed with 200 children and young people across the UK, this includes EEC youth as well.
The aim is for more children and young people to learn about the NHS, how they can help (through social action, skills such as first aid), and how to look after their own health and others.