Helping young people unleash their creativity.personality.education.
Join us as we engage, educate and empower young people and individuals living with disabilities in both England and Nigeria.
Spread Love
Supporting our people.
Equal Education Chances (EEC) is a registered charity in the UK (1180869). We focus on the marginalised communities and support them to learn and develop skills academically, socially and vocationally - in order to be financial independent so they may achieve their life-long goals.

We are making a difference
Every child should receive support to dream big and achieve their desires, no matter their circumstances.
By providing resources such as financial assistance, educational materials, and mentorship, EEC strives to create a brighter future for the children and young people.
Educational Tools
EEC provides educational items and equipment’s such as electronic devices, alternative input devices, stationary, ramps, clothing and furniture to facilitate learning.
Increase Awareness
Raising awareness through workshops and training for parents/carers, religious bodies/Sunday School teachers and the general public regarding human right, disabilities, equality, inclusive, segregation and discrimination.
Dedicated Training
EEC provides training on disabilities and inclusivity to school teachers and parents. We support schools to provide a suitable and secured learning environment; which will enhance the child development.
Advice & Equipment
EEC provides assessments, medical treatment, health and well-being advice, as well as other services. We also offer equipment such as comfort items, soft mats, mobility aids e.g. wheelchairs.
Youth Work
Changing the Future Together.
EEC is an active member of the Young Person’s Guarantee & Task Force. We made a commitment to improve the wellbeing of young people transitioning into adulthood and volunteering opportunities a top priority for the youth in Greater Manchester, regardless of their ethnicity, disabilities or social background.

Spread Love
A bright future for everyone.
We are passionate and dedicated in our mission to support and provide best quality of life for disadvantaged youth.
Our Activities
Family Forum Sessions
We host a free family forum session at the Blackley fire station in Manchester, every Friday. Family and their children with disability/SEN can be assessed and have a fun-filled session with our professional team. We are sensitive to each child's individual needs.

So that one day, like magic, children will no longer need us.
There’s even magic in our motivation: our unblinking belief that we can eradicae childhood disease — so that one day, like magic, children will no longer need us.
Partnerships with trusted charities. Donate to our cause!

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5 reasons to purchase desktop computers